Monday, March 9, 2009

A Faithful Testimony - March 9th, 2009

Last month I had the opportunity to partner again with the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys in coordinating the ministry at the National Western Stock Show. I have said many times (probably too much) that the National Western is one of my favorite ministries because it has such a great history as a rodeo and it is such a hospitable environment for ministry. This year was no different and I believe that the Lord used His Word in Denver in a mighty way!

During my time at the National Western I was able chat with a rancher who I had seen for several years at the National Western outreaches but had never had the chance to visit with. As we began to talk, Terry explained that he had visited a National Western Cowboy Church Service over ten years earlier while he was participating in a livestock show early on a Sunday morning. He was a man who had no church background and had never given a second thought to the Lord or eternity.

While attending that service Terry heard the Gospel for the first time and placed his faith in Christ. Praise God! For him, starting a relationship with Christ seemed like an easy choice. He had never before heard the truth and had a chance to respond. Since his commitment to Christ he has been active in his local church and has been faithful to make all three Cowboy Church Services at the National Western for the past ten years.

The fact that the Lord has given us such favor with the livestock shows in Denver and Houston has allowed us to put our service information on the livestock show’s schedule. I believe that this is one of the major reasons why so many like Terry visit one of our outreach services while attending a livestock show or rodeo. They come for the rodeo and leave with a life-changing relationship! What a huge opportunity that the Lord has given us.

I’m sure that there are many more like Terry at each rodeo where we minister...please keep them in your prayers. We will be heading to Houston this week to hold more life-changing outreaches. Please pray specifically for those services as well as our travel to and from Houston.

We love you and we can’t wait to give you a report on the Lord’s work in Houston!

In Christ’s Service,
