Monday, June 15, 2009

First Baptist Church of New Castle - June 14th, 2009

I had the chance to visit the First Baptist Church of New Castle, CO this past Sunday before heading to the Rifle Rodeo Bible Camp. The pastor organized an outdoor service at a church member's ranch a few miles out of town and had a pig roast afterwards. This was a great time for me to fellowship with the friends that we have built there in New Castle and to encourage them with the Word! There were a few students from the church that are attending the Rifle RBC.

(On a personal note, this was the first pig roast I've ever attended. I spent more time asking questions about how to cook the pig in an in-ground pit than I did eat. That was pretty cool!)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flint Hills Rodeo - June 5th-7th, 2009

I had the opportunity to share with our friends at the Flint Hills Community Church in ministering at the Flint Hills Rodeo in Strong City, KS. The Flint Hills Rodeo is one of the oldest outdoor rodeos in Kansas and has a history of being one of the first rodeos that many pro cowboys from the Midwest entered.

This is my second year of helping and it is the church's fourth year of putting up a booth at the rodeo. As with all rodeos, we are just now starting to get into the point where some good relationships are being built. We had the chance to encourage one of the rodeo's bullfighters. Keep praying that we can continue that relationship throughout the rest of the year!