Tuesday, December 15, 2009

National Finals Rodeo Ministry - November 29th-December 8th, 2008

Each year our ministry comes to a close with our work at the National Finals Rodeo. Our Fellowship of Christian Cowboys ministry team was in Las Vegas for the finals for a little over a week and, while Vegas is not an ideal place for a believer to vacation, we were truly blessed by the Lord's work. Our team was also joined for a few days by my brother-in-law, Curtis Wiebe. Curtis is married to Leslie's sister, Bitty, and farms near El Dorado, KS.

This year's ministry in Vegas was a little different than previous years. We did not set up a booth at the Cowboy Christmas trade fair as we've done in the past. Instead a couple from a Colorado Springs chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys used our booth space to sell thier "Christian Cowboy" themed products along with keeping up a display of our outreach material (New Testaments, Bible tracts, and Bible studies). I was a little apprehensive of this change but the couple proved to be an excellent crew for the booth. Not needing to man our booth freed our team up to move around the Cowboy Christmas gift show and make several important meetings and events throughout Vegas. As a result, we were able to follow up on and spend more time with some relationships that would ordinarily have suffered. I am still praising God for this provision and we look forward to continuing this partnership with that chapter next year.

We also had a new opportunity this year to hold a Cowboy Church Service for the Miss Rodeo America Pageant. You probably remember that we have held a prayer breakfast for the pageant contestants in the past. This year we were asked by the Director of the Miss Rodeo America Association to hold a service for the family, friends, and spectators of the pageant. This was a huge opportunity for us. I believe that it was offered to us because of our faithfulness in ministering to the contestants at the prayer breakfast for so many years.

As you can imagine, when we have a new service it is sometimes hard to estimate how many people we will have or what kind of reception we will receive. With new ministries like this we sometimes have three people show up (like a few times at the American Royal Rodeo) or we can have fifteen hundred show up. We usually try to advertise the service with fliers, posters, and word of mouth and then we trust the Lord to bring those whose hearts have been softened. Around five minutes before the start of the service there were seven people in the room (and five of them were part of the service). That could be disheartening, but at the time the service was to start we were scrambling to find more chairs. The Lord provided the people! After the service we talked with quite a few who were challenged by the message and we are looking forward to keeping up those contacts this year!

Later in the week we held a prayer breakfast for the actual contestants of the Miss Rodeo America pageant. This is my fourth year organizing this event for the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys. The prayer breakfast is held during the most intensive time of the pageant and the Lord usually uses it to encourage the contestants and calm their nerves. We had two quick praise songs and then a testimony from the reigning Miss Rodeo America. Amy Wilson, Miss Rodeo America 2008, shared how the Lord had used her over the past year to be a witness in the rodeo world. She encouraged the ladies to see all the opportunities that they have throughout the year to serve the Lord and make the most of them. Following the service we presented each of the state rodeo queens with a Cowboy New Testament, a Bible tract, and a copy of the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys monthly magazine The Line Rider. We let our new helper, Curtis, make the presentation!

We finished up the week with a Cowboy Church Service at the Cowboy Christmas gift show. This service is one that I look forward to each year because so many of the Cowboy Christmas vendors have become like family to us. We've built relationships with many visitors to this service and this is usually the only time we get to meet and minister to them face to face.

I would appreciate your prayers specifically for those who made decisions for the Lord in Vegas this year and for our faithfulness in following up with discipleship! I can't wait until next year...

Click here for more pictures of the Miss Rodeo America Cowboy Church Service...

Click here for more pictures of the Miss Rodeo America Prayer Breakfast...

Click here for more pictures of the Cowboy Christmas Cowboy Church Service...

Monday, June 15, 2009

First Baptist Church of New Castle - June 14th, 2009

I had the chance to visit the First Baptist Church of New Castle, CO this past Sunday before heading to the Rifle Rodeo Bible Camp. The pastor organized an outdoor service at a church member's ranch a few miles out of town and had a pig roast afterwards. This was a great time for me to fellowship with the friends that we have built there in New Castle and to encourage them with the Word! There were a few students from the church that are attending the Rifle RBC.

(On a personal note, this was the first pig roast I've ever attended. I spent more time asking questions about how to cook the pig in an in-ground pit than I did eat. That was pretty cool!)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flint Hills Rodeo - June 5th-7th, 2009

I had the opportunity to share with our friends at the Flint Hills Community Church in ministering at the Flint Hills Rodeo in Strong City, KS. The Flint Hills Rodeo is one of the oldest outdoor rodeos in Kansas and has a history of being one of the first rodeos that many pro cowboys from the Midwest entered.

This is my second year of helping and it is the church's fourth year of putting up a booth at the rodeo. As with all rodeos, we are just now starting to get into the point where some good relationships are being built. We had the chance to encourage one of the rodeo's bullfighters. Keep praying that we can continue that relationship throughout the rest of the year!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

FCC Rodeo Bible Camp Directors' Conference - May 28th-30th, 2009

Since their inception many years ago, the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys' Rodeo Bible Camps have been one of the greatest tools that the FCC has to impact this world for the cause of Christ. Countless lives have been changed (many of whom are at the top of their event in the PRCA standings) throughout the years. This year 17 local chapters are organizing and manning camps in five states.

In my ten or so years of teaching and preaching at RBC's I have noticed that each camp, while excelling at reaching their community for Christ, has unique strengths. I have always thought that the Kersey/Greeley, CO camp has shown incredible resourcefulness (literally building a camp out of a field every year - then tearing it down when it is all done), the La Veta, CO camp has shown tenacity (when it comes to making sure that every camper feels loved and goes home with something), the Colorado Springs, CO camp has shown diligence (in organizing some of the largest camps that we've had), the Rifle camp has shown endurance (with only a few people putting on a great camp), and the Pampa, TX has shown great faith (I can't tell you how many times the camp has had only a handful of students pre-registered but the Lord always seems to fill up the camp at the last minute). These are only a few of the great camps that have been going for many years. Each and every FCC RBC has a great story and a history of reaching our youth!

I have always thought that if we could get these camps (or at least the directors) together in a meeting that the Lord could use such a meeting for His glory!

Thanks to Harold Daniels (FCC Executive Director) and Charlie Kingsbury (Board Chairman) that meeting was a reality just a few weeks ago. The conference was held in conjunction with the Camp of Champions at Trinity Fellowship of Sayre, OK. The directors had the chance to visit with some world champion instructors, witness another camp's program, ask the FCC National Office Staff business questions, and share with each other some trials and praises from their years of experience.

I believe that the Lord has, at the very least, used this conference to build up a good relationship between the camp directors and the National Office. I know that the directors were blessed by the time together and I can't wait to see how the Lord uses this conference next year!

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another (Psalm 27:17).

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eastside Bible Church Missions Conference - April 29th-May 3rd, 2009

At the end of April I had the opportunity to fellowship with our friends at the Eastside Bible Church in Morton, IL. As you might recall, I met Eastside's Pastor Steve Weber at the National High School Finals Rodeo in 2007 and the Lord has been building our relationship ever since. It was great to spend time with the church family and hear about the other missionaries that Eastside supports.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Emmaus Mennonite Church - April 24th, 2009

On April 24th, 2009 Leslie had the opportunity to share with the Emmaus Mennonite Willing Workers' group. The same day we held a get together at the Burns, KS community center to share details about our ministry with some friends and family in the area. Leslie's sister attends Emmaus and helped with both events.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Faithful Testimony - March 9th, 2009

Last month I had the opportunity to partner again with the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys in coordinating the ministry at the National Western Stock Show. I have said many times (probably too much) that the National Western is one of my favorite ministries because it has such a great history as a rodeo and it is such a hospitable environment for ministry. This year was no different and I believe that the Lord used His Word in Denver in a mighty way!

During my time at the National Western I was able chat with a rancher who I had seen for several years at the National Western outreaches but had never had the chance to visit with. As we began to talk, Terry explained that he had visited a National Western Cowboy Church Service over ten years earlier while he was participating in a livestock show early on a Sunday morning. He was a man who had no church background and had never given a second thought to the Lord or eternity.

While attending that service Terry heard the Gospel for the first time and placed his faith in Christ. Praise God! For him, starting a relationship with Christ seemed like an easy choice. He had never before heard the truth and had a chance to respond. Since his commitment to Christ he has been active in his local church and has been faithful to make all three Cowboy Church Services at the National Western for the past ten years.

The fact that the Lord has given us such favor with the livestock shows in Denver and Houston has allowed us to put our service information on the livestock show’s schedule. I believe that this is one of the major reasons why so many like Terry visit one of our outreach services while attending a livestock show or rodeo. They come for the rodeo and leave with a life-changing relationship! What a huge opportunity that the Lord has given us.

I’m sure that there are many more like Terry at each rodeo where we minister...please keep them in your prayers. We will be heading to Houston this week to hold more life-changing outreaches. Please pray specifically for those services as well as our travel to and from Houston.

We love you and we can’t wait to give you a report on the Lord’s work in Houston!

In Christ’s Service,


Thursday, February 12, 2009

South Haven Baptist Church AWANA - January 28th, 2009

On January 28th, 2009 Leslie and I had the opportunity to share about cowboy ministry with the AWANA group at South Haven Baptist Church in Belton, MO. We have several friends that attend South Haven. The most remarkable part of this night was that the kids asked really good questions about rodeo, the ministry and our personal lives. We both had a great time explaining the intricacies of cowboy ministry with them all!

National Western Stock Show Ministry - January 10th-25th, 2009

This year marks the fourth year that we have partnered with the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys to minister at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO. The National Western is one of the oldest indoor rodeos in the country and has a very rich history of rodeo, livestock shows, and horse shows.

The bulk of this ministry consists of three Cowboy Church Service outreaches at the National Western complex and another service at the Denver Mart for the Western English Sales Association's annual expo.

The Western English Sales Association (WESA) expo is an annual meeting of western clothing manufacturers (such as Wrangler or Justin Boots) and distributors (such as Shepler's or Tractor Supply). We work with the expo's leadership in holding a Cowboy Church Service during each year's expo. It is a great privilege to have that invitation but it also allows us the opportunity to spend a little more time for relationships with the vendors that we see at many other rodeos throughout the year (like Houston, National High School Finals, and the National Finals). You can see from the picture above that there were around a hundred people who attended the service. This year there were several familiar faces but quite a lot of new faces.

The other outreach services were held at the National Western Complex. The services averaged three to four hundred. This year we had the opportunity to work with RW Hampton. RW led the music for two of our church services did a great job. We have worked with RW in the past and I have always been impressed with his ability to meet a crowd where they are and lead them in worship. There is a possibility of having RW help us in Houston (so keep praying).

As with all of our ministries, please keep praying for those who heard the Word and made decisions for the Lord! Pray also for our faithfulness in keeping up contact with those that we can.

Click here for pictures from the WESA Cowboy Church Service on 1/18/2009...

Click here for pictures from the National Western Stock Show Cowboy Church Service from 1/18/2009...

Click here for pictures from the National Western Stock Show Cowboy Church Service from 1/25/2009...