Sunday, May 31, 2009

FCC Rodeo Bible Camp Directors' Conference - May 28th-30th, 2009

Since their inception many years ago, the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys' Rodeo Bible Camps have been one of the greatest tools that the FCC has to impact this world for the cause of Christ. Countless lives have been changed (many of whom are at the top of their event in the PRCA standings) throughout the years. This year 17 local chapters are organizing and manning camps in five states.

In my ten or so years of teaching and preaching at RBC's I have noticed that each camp, while excelling at reaching their community for Christ, has unique strengths. I have always thought that the Kersey/Greeley, CO camp has shown incredible resourcefulness (literally building a camp out of a field every year - then tearing it down when it is all done), the La Veta, CO camp has shown tenacity (when it comes to making sure that every camper feels loved and goes home with something), the Colorado Springs, CO camp has shown diligence (in organizing some of the largest camps that we've had), the Rifle camp has shown endurance (with only a few people putting on a great camp), and the Pampa, TX has shown great faith (I can't tell you how many times the camp has had only a handful of students pre-registered but the Lord always seems to fill up the camp at the last minute). These are only a few of the great camps that have been going for many years. Each and every FCC RBC has a great story and a history of reaching our youth!

I have always thought that if we could get these camps (or at least the directors) together in a meeting that the Lord could use such a meeting for His glory!

Thanks to Harold Daniels (FCC Executive Director) and Charlie Kingsbury (Board Chairman) that meeting was a reality just a few weeks ago. The conference was held in conjunction with the Camp of Champions at Trinity Fellowship of Sayre, OK. The directors had the chance to visit with some world champion instructors, witness another camp's program, ask the FCC National Office Staff business questions, and share with each other some trials and praises from their years of experience.

I believe that the Lord has, at the very least, used this conference to build up a good relationship between the camp directors and the National Office. I know that the directors were blessed by the time together and I can't wait to see how the Lord uses this conference next year!

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another (Psalm 27:17).

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